Rio Grande Basin Hydroeconomic Model a.k.a. "The Bucket Model"

Current Version: 2019/21/01
Source Code: Github Repository
Modeling Software: The General Algebraic Modeling Software (GAMS)


The “Bucket Model” is a simple coarse-scale basin model that simulates all major water sources, sinks, uses, and losses as well as economic values of water as well as institutional constraints governing water supply and use for the Middle Rio Grande between the inflow to Elephant Butte Reservoir and Fort Quitman on the Rio Grande. This model is designed to be a useful tool for improving our understanding of the hydrology, agronomy, institutions, and economics to guide analysis of policy and management questions that are important to stakeholders.

The current version of the model is a simple “three bucket” model that reflects water storage, inflow, and outflow for project storage and for the region’s two major aquifers, the Mesilla and Hueco. In this version, the three water users are irrigated agriculture, urban demands, and environmental / recreational demands for water volumes in surface storage. For aquifers, the major uses are agriculture and urban use. Existing as well as potential water use is predicted as a constrained optimization model that identifies water use and flow patterns that maximize discounted net present value of water by adjusting water use patterns in the river-reservoir-aquifer system for the model’s time horizon.

Required inputs include hydrologic data such as surface inflows to storage, crop water requirements by crop, surface treaty delivery requirements from the U.S. to Mexico, evaporation rates from surface reservoir storage, and reservoir capacity. Water use demand data include crop yields, costs of production, crop price, price elasticity of demand, and urban population.

Model outputs include total farm income, recreation economic benefits, total urban net benefits, reservoir releases, surface storage volume, groundwater pumping and recharge, 1906 Treaty deliveries by the U.S. to Mexico, reservoir surface evaporation, total water use, and the discounted net present value of total economic benefits and its distribution among major water users.

Ward et. al., 2019
The economics of aquifer protection plans under climate water stress: New insights from hydroeconomic modeling.
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 576, September 2019, Pages 667-684

Townsend, N. T.; and Gutzler, D. S., 2020
Adaptation of Climate Model Projections of Streamflow to Account for Upstream Anthropogenic Impairments.
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Torell, G. L., Lee, K. D., Garnica, L. A., Mayer, A. S., & Ward, F. A. 2022.
Least-Cost Provision of Ecosystem Services from Water: When, Where, and How Much? Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(2),

Model Composition

Flow nodes

  • 5 river gauge nodes
  • 1 streamgauge inflow node San Marcial above Elephant Butte
  • 5 watershed point inflow nodes from ungauged precip into river reaches
  • 5 diversion nodes
  • 5 consumptive use nodes
  • 5 surface water return flow nodes
  • 2 groundwater pumping nodes
  • 1 reservoir storage release node

Stock nodes

  • 1 reservoir node
  • 2 aquifer nodes


Set Set Elements Set Description Elements Description
Flows i Location of important nodes in middle RG basin--Elephant Butte to MX. Marcial_h_f Headwater flow nodes
Wshed_1_h_f Headwater flow nodes
RG_Caballo_out_v_f RGR project storage outflow gauge on Rio Grande
RG_El_Paso_v_f New Mexico Texas State Line on Rio Grande
RG_above_MX_v_f Rio Grande above Mexico diversion
RG_below_EPID_v_f Gauge below El Paso irrigation diversion use on river
EBID_d_f Divertion nodes
LCMI_d_f Divertion nodes
EPMI_d_f Divertion nodes
MXID_d_f Divertion nodes
EPID_d_f Divertion nodes
EBID_u_f Consumptive use flow nodes
LCMI_u_f Consumptive use flow nodes
EPMI_u_f Consumptive use flow nodes
MXID_u_f Consumptive use flow nodes
EPID_u_f Consumptive use flow nodes
EBID_rr_f River return flow nodes
LCMI_rr_f River return flow nodes
EPMI_rr_f River return flow nodes
MXID_rr_f River return flow nodes
EPID_rr_f River return flow nodes
EBID_ra_f Aquifer return flow nodes
LCMI_ra_f Aquifer return flow nodes
EPMI_ra_f Aquifer return flow nodes
MX_ra_f Aquifer return flow nodes
EPID_ra_f Aquifer return flow nodes
Store_rel_f Res storage-to-river release node (outflow - inflow)
Stocks u Location of key water storage elements Storage_res_s Caballo/Elephant Butte reservoir location
Mesilla_aqf_s Mesilla Aquifer Location
Hueco_aqf_s Hueco Bolson location
Crop j crop pecans Pecan orchards
veges Veges (chile, onions, lettuce, etc..)
forage Cattle feed
Technology k irrigation technology flood Flood irrigation technology
Time t years tfirst Starting year
tmid Middle years
tlast Terminal year
tlater All years after initial
Policy p Policy scenarios (historical or user changeable) 1-policy_hist Historical policy: historical starting surface storage volume all years
2-policy_base Base policy: historical starting surface volume in year 1 (1996)
3-policy_new New policy: 10% reduced starting surface storage volume year 1 (1996)
Water Supply w Supply scenarios (climate, water import, etc) 1-w_supl_base Historical inflows at San Marcial Gauge (1996-2015)
2-w_supl_new New inflow scenario, 10% reduced inflows at San Marcial Gauge (1996-2015)

Input Parameters

List of input parameters from the model that are available on the user interface:

Parameter Label Description Units
Yield_p Observed Crop Yield Average harvest of representative crops Tonnes per Acre
Price_p Observed Crop Prices Observed crop prices per ton in historical period US Dollars per Ton
lan_p Observed Land in production Land in production over all observed historical years Thousands of Acres
Cost_p Crop Production Costs Crop production costs per acre US Dollars per Acre
ag_gw_pump_capacity_p Agricultural pumping capacity Agricultural pumping capacity in acre feet per year by aquifer Acre-Feet
ag_av_gw_cost_p Agricultural Average Costs of Pumping Ground Water Irrigation groundwater pumping costs averaged over all crops US Dollars per Acre-Foot
ag_back_cost_grow_p Change in Agricultural Substitute Technology Costs The cost of agricultural substitute technologies, such as water imports percent
ag_av_back_cost0_p Agricultural Substitute Technology Costs Initial cost of agricultural substitute technology such as water imports US Dollars per Acre-Foot
elas_p Water Price Elasticity of Demand A measure of the relationship between a change in the quantity of water demanded and a change in its price N/A
urb_price_p Urban Price of Water Observed prices of water in historical period US Dollars per Acre-Foot
urb_use_p Urban Water Deliveries Observed historical urban water deliveries Thousands of Acre-Feet
urb_Av_cost0_p Urban Cost of Supply Cost to urban water utilities to supply water to homes US Dollars per Acre-Foot
urb_cost_grow_p Urban Average Cost Growth Rate Average annual rate of increase in cost of water per acre foot for urban use percent
pop0_p Initial Number of Urban Water Buying Households Initial number of urban water buying households from 1994 Thousands
urb_gw_cost_grow_p Urban Average Pumping Cost Growth Rate Average annual increase rate in the cost of pumping for urban water use percent
rho_pop_p Urban Water Buying Households Growth Rate Percentage growth per year of urban water users as households percent
urb_av_gw_cost0_p Urban Average Pumping Cost Average cost of urban aquifer pumping excluding treatment Thousands of US Dollars
urb_gw_pump_capacity_p Urban Pumping Capacity Annual urban pumping capacity Thousands of Acre-Feet
us_mx_1906_p Observed US-Mexico 1906 Treaty Flows at Acequia Madre Observed US-Mexico 1906 annual treaty flows at Acequia Madre during period of 1994-2015 Thousands of Acre-Feet
tx_proj_op_p Texas proportion of San Marcial Flows Proportion of San Marcial Flows Texas receives according to the 2008 Project Operating Agreement proportion
sw_sustain_p Ending Proportion of Starting Surface Water Storage A lower bound for the amount of water held in the reservoir at the end of the model as a percentage of starting year value (1994) percent
gw_sustain_p Ending Proportion of Starting Groundwater Storage Lower bound for the amount of water in the aquifer at the end of the model run as a percentage of the amount at starting year (1994) percent
source_p Annual Water Inflows at Different Location Points Annual water inflows over different locations and scenerios across the Rio Grande Thousands of Acre-Feet
san_mar_in Annual Water Inflows at San Marcial Gauge Annual water inflows coming through the San Marcial twin gauges and into Elephant Butte reservoir Thousands of Acre-Feet
gaugeflow_p Annual Gauged Streamflows Annual gauged streamflows at selected gauges Thousands of Acre-Feet
z0_p Initial Reservoir Storage Level Starting reservoir storage volume combining Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoir Thousands of Acre-Feet
zmax_p Reservoir Storage Capacity Maximum reservoir storage capacity in thousands of acre feet Thousands of Acre-Feet
z_p Rio Grande Project Storage by Year Rio Grande Project storage by year (Elephant Butte and Caballo) Thousands of Acre-Feet
depth0_p Starting Depth Starting aquifer depth in feet Feet
qmax_p Aquifer Storage Capacity Storage capacity by aquifer (assumed boundaries) Thousands of Acre-Feet
aq_area_p Land Area Overlying Aquifer Land area overlying aquifer in thousands of acres Thousands of Acres
recharge_p Annual Mountain Front Aquifer Recharge Amount of recharge expected from mountain front watersheds Thousands of Acre-Feet
porosity_p Average Aquifer Porosity Porosity relates to the amount and type of holes in the soil that allow water to drain to the aquifer N/A
precip_rat_p Reservoir Precipitation Rate Reservoir precipitation rate - feet gained per exposed acre per year Feet
evap_rate_p Reservoir evaporation rate Reservoir evaporation rate - feet lost per exposed acre per year Feet
LANDRHS_p Developed Land Area by ID Developed land area per irrigation district in thousands of acre feet Thousands of Acres
SW_Treat_capac_p Urban Surface Water Treatment Capacity Urban surface water treatment capacity by city Thousands of Acre-Feet
Bag_pump_aqf_return_p Recharge from Agricultural Pumped Water Proportion of agricultural water pumped from an aquifer which might recharge the aquifer from which it was pumped percent
urb_av_back_cost0_p Urban Substitute Technology Costs Initial cost of urban substitute technology (such as desalination), including treatment of imported water. US Dollars per Acre-Foot
urb_back_cost_grow_p Change in Urban Substitute Technology Costs The cost of urban substitute technologies, such as desalination, may increase or decrease over time percent
Burb_back_aqf_rch_p Recharge from Urban Substitute Technologies Proportion of urban water from substitute technology which might recharge an aquifer proportion
tStartOffset Offset years after initial Change of initial year to initial plus value of offset N/A
tElements Total Number of Year Elements Total number of years after initial N/A
chooser Policy Scenario Selector Bucket model index for switching between policy scenarios N/A

Output Variables

List of output variables from the model that are available on the SWIM interface:

Variable Label Description Units
evaporation Evaporation Volume Estimated volume of water loss due to evaporation over reservoir surface area per year Thousands of Acre-Feet
water_flows Water Flows Yearly water flows of various kinds: diversions, returns, and use at a particular point (used for water accounting) Thousands of Acre-Feet
water_stocks Surface Water Storage Average volume of water stored at Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs in a given year Thousands of Acre-Feet
river_flows River Flows Estimated volume of river water in a given year that flowed passed a specific location in the region Thousands of Acre-Feet
diversions Water Diversions Extraction of water away from surface or groundwater sources Thousands of Acre-Feet
SWacres Surface Irrigated Land in Production Surface land area used for agricultural crop production that uses water from surface reservoir storage Thousands of Acres
GWacres Aquifer Irrigated Land in Production Crop producing land for which majority of water is supplied by pumped water Thousands of Acres
surf_use Surface Water Use Effective amount of water consumed by cities and irrigation districts that was sourced surface sources Thousands of Acre-Feet
r_return_o Return Flows from River to River Residual water that was diverted from the river for consumptive use and is returned back to the river stream Thousands of Acre-Feet
urb_price Urban Price Charge for urban water use per acre foot US Dollars per Acre-Foot
urb_con_surp Urban Consumer Surplus Difference between what urban household cutomers are willing to pay to what they are charged in their water bills Thousands of US Dollars
urb_use_p_cap Urban Use per Household Total urban water consumption divided by total number of households Acre-Feet
ag_value Agricultural Net Benefits by Crop Total economic profits generated over the projection period from each type of crop per irrigation district in the region Thousands of US Dollars
ag_ben Farm Income Total agriculture profits generated by irrigation districts each year Thousands of US Dollars
ag_m_value Agricultural Marginal Value of Water The increased amount of economic value that an additional acre-foot of water provides in the agricultural sector US Dollars per Acre-Foot
yield Crop Yield Crop yield in tons per acre Tonnes per Acre
ag_sw_use Agricultural Surface Water Use Effective volume of surface water diverted from the Rio Grande used for crop irrigation in each irrigation district per year Thousands of Acres
urb_pump Urban Water Pumping Annual volume of water for urban use sourced from underlying aquifers Thousands of Acre-Feet
urb_sw_use Urban Surface Water Use Effective volume of water consumed in the urban sector sourced from surface water Thousands of Acre-Feet
urb_revenue Urban Revenue Revenue generated by local water utility supplier Thousands of US Dollars
urb_gross_ben Urban Gross Economic Benefit Revenue from urban water bills Thousands of US Dollars
urb_costs Urban Costs of Production Cost of delivering water for consumption in urban households Thousands of US Dollars
urb_value Urban Total Net Benefit Total net economic benefits generated by the urban sector water use Thousands of US Dollars
urb_value_af Urban Net Value per Unit Water Economic value of each acre-foot of water US Dollars per Acre-Foot
urb_use Urban Water Use Total volume of water effectively consumed by the urban sector Thousands of Acre-Feet
urb_m_value Urban Marginal Value The increased amount of economic value that an additional acre-foot of water provides in the urban sector US Dollars per Acre-Foot
surf_area Total Surface Area by Period Land area covered by water in surface storage locations Thousands of Acres
env_ben Environmental Benefit from Flows Economic benefits generated from natural flows for habitat maintenance and restoration Thousands of US Dollars
tot_ben Total Agricultural Benefits by Period Cumulative yearly economic profits generated by the agricultural sector in the entire region Thousands of US Dollars
dnpv_ben Total Economic Benefits Over the Region Sum of economic benefits generated by all sectors' water use in the region Thousands of US Dollars
rec_ben Recreation Benefit Economic benefits generated from recreation activities such as fishing and boating on surface reservoirs per year Thousands of US Dollars
tot_ag_pump Total Agricultural Pumping Volume of water pumped from the Mesilla and Hueco Bolson aquifers by each irrigation district Thousands of Acre-Feet
gw_stocks Groundwater Aquifer Stocks Average estimated groundwater storage volume from the Mesilla and Hueco Bolson aquifers Thousands of Acre-Feet
aquifer_depth Aquifer Depth Average Annual aquifer depth by period Feet
a_return_o Agricultural Return Flows from River to Aquifer Residual irrigation water that was taken from the river and returned to underlying aquifer by year Thousands of Acre-Feet
ag_pump_aq_rch Agricultural Return from Pumping to Aquifer Residual irrigation water that was pumped from underground aquifers and returned back to the underlying aquifer by year Thousands of Acre-Feet
precip Total Precipitation by Period Estimated yearly volume of water derived from rainfall over surface reservoir areas Thousands of Acre-Feet
tacres Total Acreage by Crop Total land area coverage used for the production of crops on a given year by each irrigation district Thousands of Acres
tswacres Total Surface Water Acreage Reservoir surface area of water in acres Thousands of Acres
tgwacres Total Ground Water Acreage Surface land area used for agricultural crop production that uses pumped groundwater Thousands of Acres
ttacres Total Acreage Total land area coverage used for the production of crops on a given year by each irrigation district Thousands of Acres
urb_back_use Urban Substitute Technology Use Effective volume of water consumed in the urban sector extracted from an alternative source with the use of technology such as blackish water desalination Thousands of Acre-Feet
urb_back_aq_rch Urban Return to Aquifer from Substitute Technology Residual urban water extracted from an alternative source returned to an aquifer Thousands of Acre-Feet
DNPV_ag_ben Agricultural Benefits Acumulated income generated by the agricultural sector over the projection period. The sum includes all irrigation districts Thousands of US Dollars
ag_use Agricultural Use Effective volume of surface water and pumped water used for irrigation in each irrigation district per year Thousands of Acre-Feet
tot_ag_bt_use Agricultural Substitute Technology Volume of water for agricultural use extracted from alternative sources from outside the local stream aquifer system Thousands of Acre-Feet
shad_price_aqf Cost of Aquifer Protection Economic cost to protect aquifer storage to a user-specified level US Dollars per Foot
DNPV_env_riv_ben Environmental Benefits Total amount of estimated benefits generated from habitat maintenance and restoration water flows over a set period of time Thousands of US Dollars
DNPV_export_costs Export Cost Benefits Economic cost of exporting surface water due to excess supply not used Thousands of US Dollars
Farm_income_gw Farm Income from Aquifers Total agriculture profits derived from the use of water from aquifer pumping by crop and district Thousands of US Dollars
DNPV_import_costs Import Cost Benefits Regional profits generated from water importation due to local source scarcity Thousands of US Dollars
net_recharge Net Aquifer Recharge Balance of yearly recharge or water depletion from the Mesilla and Hueco Bolson aquifers Thousands of Acre-Feet
shad_price_ag_back_use Price of Agricultural Substitute Technology Unit cost of using alternative sources of water for the agriculture sector per year Thousands of US Dollars
shad_price_urb_back_use Price of Urban Substitute Technology Unit cost of using alternative sources of water for the urban sector per year Thousands of US Dollars
DNPV_rec_res_ben Recreational Benefits Total economic benefits generated in the projecton period from recreation activities such as fishing and boating on surface reservoirs Thousands of US Dollars
shad_price_res Reservoir Protection Cost Approximate unit cost to maintain reservoirs at a user specified storage volume by a user specified time period US Dollars per Foot
Farm_income_bt Substitute Technology Farm Income Farm income derived from water that was extracted from alternative sources with techonology use such as brackish water, desalination, or imports Thousands of US Dollars
Farm_income_sw Surface Water Farm Income Economic profits generated in the agricultural sector derived from the use of surface reservoir water Thousands of US Dollars
DNPV_urb_ben Urban Benefits Accumulated economic benefits generated by the urban water use over the projection time period with adjustment for inflation Thousands of US Dollars


Frank A. Ward
Dept of Agr Economics/Agr Business
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM USA

Alex Mayer
Michigan Technical University

Sponsored by US Dept of Agriculture: 5 yr project 2015 - 2020