Water Resources Seminar Series -
Speaker: Ed Archuleta
Description: Presented by Ed Archuleta, Director of Water Initiatives.
Date and Time:
12:00pm on Friday 18th March 2016
Department: n/a
701 Kelly Hall - UTEP
500 W. University Avenue Room: 701 Building: Kelly Hall
El Paso,US

Water Resources Seminar Series -
Speaker: John Zak
Description: Soil Microbial and Nutrient Dynamics in Arid and Semi-Arid Landscapes: Discovering Unexpected System Controls of Activity. At Biology 2.154
Date and Time:
12:30pm on Wednesday 4th November 2015
Department: Biology
Texas Tech University
2500 Broadway

Water Resources Seminar Series - Urban Hydrology and Flood Risk Assessment for Ciudad Juárez and its Implications for Aquifer Recharge in the Region
Speaker: Alfredo Granados
Date and Time:
12:00am on Thursday 15th October 2015
Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez
Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #1210
Cd. Juarez,Mexico

Water Resources Seminar Series - Teaching Science and Social Justice in an Interdisciplinary Water Course
Speaker: Cathy Willermet
Description: @ 306 Old Main Building
Date and Time:
1:30pm on Friday 9th October 2015
Department: n/a
Michigan Central University
1200 S Franklin St
Mount Pleasant, Michigan,US

Water Resources Seminar Series - The National Science Foundation and Broader Impact: Achieving Diversity in the Geosciences
Speaker: Margie Vela
Description: ----
Date and Time:
12:00am on Thursday 17th September 2015
Department: n/a
New Mexico State University
1780 E University Ave
Las Cruces, NM,US

Water Resources Seminar Series - Groundwater Showdown on the Rio Grande: Summary and Perspectives on Texas v. New Mexico
Speaker: Brian Hurd
Description: ----
Date and Time:
2:00pm on Tuesday 15th September 2015
Department: n/a
New Mexico State University
1780 E University Ave
Las Cruces, NM,US

Water Resources Seminar Series - Land use and Climate
Speaker: Alex Mayer
Description: Impacts of Spatial Variations in Land Use and Intra-Annual Climate Variability and Corresponding Changes in Land Use and Climate on Phosphorus Loads in the Great Lakes Basin
Date and Time:
12:00am on Friday 28th August 2015
Department: n/a
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, MI,US

Brown Bag Seminar - Water Filters with Education
Speaker: Jesus Placencia
Description: Jesus Placencia presents his project with Shane Walker during the summer of 2016 in Ecuador, providing water filters with education on their use in a rural area of Ecuador. He will presents a brown bag seminar on the work that he did this Friday, August 19, 12:00 noon in Kelly 701.
Date and Time:
12:00pm on Friday 19th August 2016
Department: Center for Environmental Resource Management
701 Kelly Hall - UTEP
500 W. University Avenue Room: 701 Building: Kelly Hall
El Paso,US

Water Resources Seminar Series - Simulating Water Flow and Solute Transport in Coupled Groundwater-Surface Water Systems using SWAT-MODFLOW
Speaker: Dr. Ryan Bailey
Description: This presentation will provide an overview of the development and applications of a new hydrologic model that couples the Soil Water and Assessment Tool (SWAT) with the groundwater flow model MODFLOW. The SWAT-MODFLOW model accounts for land surface hydrology, in-stream hydrologic and bio-chemical processes, multi-dimensional groundwater flow and solute reactive transport, and groundwater-surface water interaction and solute mass exchange. Details of model applications to several watersheds, including the Upper Klamath River Basin (Oregon), the Middle Bosque watershed (central Texas), the South Platte River Basin (Colorado), and the Ogallala Aquifer Region in eastern Colorado and northwestern Kansas, are presented. Current topics of research that are being addressed through these applications include groundwater-surface water interactions, impact of climate change on groundwater resources, groundwater storage in arid climates, and storage and transport of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in an irrigated agricultural watershed. Steps to including salinity chemistry and transport into the modeling framework also will be discussed.
Date and Time:
2:00pm on Friday 12th May 2017
Department: Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
701 Kelly Hall - UTEP
500 W. University Avenue Room: 701 Building: Kelly Hall
El Paso,US