V Foro de Capacitación de la Plataforma Sustainable Water through Integrated Modeling SWIM
Descripción de Involucrados:
Public Forum for Cd. Juarez Stakeholders under the Sustainable Water Resources Project
Forum engagement with stakeholders to discuss findings of the project.
Fecha y Hora: 3:00pm on Friday 22nd November 2019
: 0
Centro Cultural de las Fronteras
Anillo Envolvente Jose Reyes Estrada, 445, Zona Pronaf
Cd. Juarez,Mexico
The Future of Water In The Middle Rio Grande: A Science Exhibition
Descripción de Involucrados:
All type of stakeholders.
Two USDA-funded projects led by UTEP and TAMU will host an exhibition of recent project results relating to the future of water in the Middle Rio Grande basin and technologies and management needed to extend the life of the Hueco Bolson aquifer. The results will be presented in a “science fair” format with several theme-based stations.
Fecha y Hora: 4:00pm on Wednesday 25th September 2019
: 0
Texas AgriLife Research Center
1380 A and M Cir, El Paso, TX 79927
El Paso,United States
Stakeholder Meeting
Descripción de Involucrados:
Water administrators from El Paso and Ciudad Juarez
Workshop and presentation of water balance model results and SWIM interface.
Fecha y Hora: 4:00pm on Friday 26th October 2018
: 0
Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez
Av. Plutarco Elías Calles #1210
Cd. Juarez,Mexico
SWIM Stakeholder Workshop
Descripción de Involucrados:
Farmers and researchers.
Introduction and usability testing of the SWIM online interface.
Fecha y Hora: 10:30am on Wednesday 25th April 2018
: 0
701 Kelly Hall - UTEP
500 W. University Avenue Room: 701 Building: Kelly Hall
El Paso,US